Why do we need to study electronics?

wallpaper21.jpgThere are plenty of reasons to study Electronics – here are 4 of them:
1) Help create the future
The world that we live in is constantly evolving and technology is at the heart of this change. Only a
generation ago you were lucky if your family had a dial phone in their home. Now, everyone has a
smartphone capable of incredible things, containing highly complex processors, advanced
communications and packed with Electronics. Exciting developments in Electronics mean we can
develop innovative products and help transform the way we live; from
healthcare to entertainment. In the future, we will see ‘smart’ cities with
transportation, energy consumption, security and water use all improved
through Electronics. Electronics enables engineers and inventors to create
solutions that tackle the world’s problems and to improve lives.

2) Great prospects
The UK has the 6th largest Electronics industry in the world. The industry has a £98bn annual turnover and contributes 6% of the nation’s GDP. This means that Electronic Engineering is one of the most in-demand professions in the
country. Therefore, students graduating from Electronics courses are highly sought after by UK employers. These graduates enjoy a full-time employment
rate of 78.5% (with a further 11% of graduate engineers going on to
postgraduate study), which is much higher than the national average of 57.8%.

3) High starting salary
As Electronic Engineering graduates are in demand, employers pay high starting salaries. Within 6
months of graduating, those with a degree in Electronics enjoy an average salary of £26,644, which is far
above the average starting salary for UK-domiciled graduates in all subjects
(£22,205) and almost equal to the UK national average salary (£27,271). Those who continue their careers in Engineering can expect an average salary of £68,539 once they have achieved Chartered status.

4) Opportunity to travel
Electronics is a truly global profession; there are many worldwide opportunities. As Electronics plays
such a big role across a whole range of technologies and products, collaborations between different
designers, manufacturers and producers are often needed. This is one of the main reasons why many
universities offer the chance to study abroad, so that you can see how technology is advancing in
different areas across the globe whilst immersing yourself in the culture and gaining new experiences.

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